Actions financed or co-financed by the European Union

In this section

  • AUDACE 2015

    INTRODUCTION The widespread use of sensors and mobile equipment, scientific programs - in astronomy, biology, physics and agriculture, for example - and the large-scale development of social networks have led to the emergence of the “Big Data” phenomenon. This phenomenon translates into an (…)

  • Thesis: Innovations in bone tissue engineering

    Biomaterials Goals of this action are interdisciplinary in fields of physics, chemistry and biology: (1) To characterise at the nanometer scale, by nano- ion beams, biomimetism and bioactivity processes (formation and growth of biological apatites) at interfaces between bioceramics and living (…)

  • ConnecSenS-2 Project

    English content >>>> Photothèque du projet (équipements et sites) <<<< Actualités récentes de ConnecSenS : mars 2023 : La publi ConnecSenS vient de paraitre !! Bravo à tous les contributeurs :) décembre 2022 : Création du laboratoire Commun IoTAE-Lab (Laboratoire auvergnat pour (…)